Appointment of a venue/organisers
The appointment of a new venue, four years ahead, is the responsibility of the ESPCI Board, based on a motivated bid, scientifically and financially sound, from a clinical centre known for its experience in the field, both clinically and scientifically. The venue should be located in Europe.
A preliminary proposal in the form of a formal letter, including the information below, should be sent to the president of the last ESPCI approximately four and a half years prior to the proposed ESPCI. This should include:
- Proposed president (appropriate credentials and letters of agreement from national institutions)
- Proposed location with reasoning
- Facilities available
- Institutional support
The full proposal should be presented to the Board for voting at the ESPCI four years prior to the proposed meeting.
Content of the proposal
The proposal should be in accordance with the ESPCI mission and contain information on:
- The proposed venue, including congress location, available facilities with numbers and sizes of rooms, and accommodation facilities in locality (number and price ranges).
- General outline of the scientific and professional programme; academic, scientific and institutional support.
- Review of professional conference organisers and preferred choice with reasoning.
- The proposed LOC which should comprise of the local organizer and representatives of local/national academic and other institutions who are prepared to be active in the organization.
- Rational for the location: ease of access, infrastructure, cultural benefits etc
- Communication and social media planning
- A draft budget (see Appendix A), including anticipated numbers, level and range of registration fees for various groups, sources of income, expected major expenditure.
- A statement as to the use of the proposed 10% of the registrations of the previous symposium for the furtherance of the mission of ESPCI
- A statement as to the assistance of students from low income countries, user groups: eg low cost accommodation, possibility of grants
- Timetable plan for preparation of the congress (see Appendix B)
- Knowledge of relevant rules (eg EU rules, sponsorship rules) regarding organization
- A specific statement that the host country/organisation will make the congress available to all “without let or hindrance”
- Accreditation procedure
Selection procedure
- Potential organizers should present their proposal at the Board meeting. The Board members, only those present at the meeting, choose the new venue (for the meeting 4 years ahead) by voting (one vote per country, even if there are several groups of the same country only one vote will be considered) after discussing the proposal. Acceptable bids from countries that didn’t organize an ESPCI symposium previously might be prioritised. See Appendix C for criteria and judging sheets.
- After the vote, the selected organizers will be informed that they should join the next ESPCI Board meeting (as members), where, on their proposal, an IAC will be appointed by the Board, comprising at least three previous presidents. The IAC will guide the organizers during their preparations for the symposium and if amendments are needed to the proposal.
- If no appropriate proposal is received the Board has the power to nominate a group and ask for a submission.